IDSF Monitoring Site (372)
| <all other values> |
| n/a |
| Suspect |
| Revisit |
| Suspect Complete |
| Suspect Florence |
| PCI Under Investigation |
| PCI Complete |
| Under Investigation |
| Complete |
Illicit Project - Taylor (373)
| <all other values> |
| Complete |
| PCI Complete |
| Under Investigation |
Impaired Streams (385)
| Approved TMDL |
| TMDL Is Required |
AddressPoints (362)
WO Storm Structure - Cleaning Open (224)
WO Storm Conduit - Cleaning Open (225)
| Line needs to be cleaned |
WO Sanitary Structure - Cleaning Open (226)
WO Sanitary Pipe - Cleaning Open (227)
WO Sanitary Structure - ALL (228)
WO Sanitary Structure - Open (198)
WO Sanitary Structure - Open - SD1 - By Problem (201)
| Notify GIS |
| Mechanical |
| Line needs repair |
| Electrical |
| Need Structure |
| GPS Request |
| Erosion |
| Inspect structure |
| Structure needs located |
| <Null> |
| Backup in building |
| Driveway/property cave-in |
| Flooding of roadway/property |
| Ground settling near structure |
| Heavy Rainfall |
| Odors |
| Sewage in creek |
| Sewage in street |
| Sewage in yard |
| Sink hole |
| Street plate shifted |
| Structure Cover Off |
| Structure Issues |
| Structure needs Inspected |
| Structure needs Located |
| Structure needs repair |
| Structure needs to be cleaned |
| Structure needs to be replaced |
| Structure overflowing |
| Structure surcharged |
| Unknown |
WO Sanitary Structure - Open - Maintenance Contract - By Crew (202)
| Notify GIS |
| <Null> |
| Building Crafts |
| Dudley Construction |
| Larry Smith Contractors |
| Michaels Construction |
| Municipal Contractors |
| Rack &Ballauer Excavating |
| Smithcorp |
| TeleVac |
WO Sanitary Structure - Open - Maintenance Contract - By Priority (203)
| Other Priority Codes |
| High |
| Medium-1 |
| Medium-2 |
| Medium-3 |
| Low |
| R5 SCREAM 97-100 |
WO Sanitary Pump Station - Open - Maintenance Contract (204)
WO Sanitary Pipe - ALL (205)
WO Sanitary Pipe - Open (206)
WO Sanitary Pipe - Open - SD1 - By Problem (207)
| <all other values> |
| <Null> |
| Backup in building |
| Drone UAV Services |
| Erosion |
| Flooding of roadway/property |
| Inspect/Locate line |
| Line needs repair |
| Line needs to be cleaned |
| Line needs to be replaced |
| Line needs trenchless repair |
| Locate line |
| Plumbing Issues |
| Sewage in creek |
| Sewage in yard |
| Sink hole |
| Structure needs to be cleaned |
| Structure overflowing |
WO Sanitary Pipe - Open - Maintenance Contract - By Crew (208)
| Contact GIS |
| Dudley Construction |
| Building Crafts |
| <Null> |
| |
| IPWC |
| Larry Smith Contractors |
| Miller Pipeline |
| Rack &Ballauer Excavating |
| Robinson Pipe Cleaning |
| Smithcorp |
WO Sanitary Pipe - Open - Maintenance Contract - By Priority (209)
| Other Priority Codes |
| High |
| Medium-1 |
| Medium-2 |
| Medium-3 |
| Low |
| R5 SCREAM 97-100 |
WO Storm Structure - ALL (213)
WO Storm Structure - Open (214)
WO Storm Structure - Open - SD1 - By Problem (215)
| Notify GIS |
| Need Structure |
| Line needs repair |
| Structure needs located |
| Standing stagnant water |
| Erosion |
| <Null> |
| Backup in building |
| Driveway/property cave-in |
| Flooding of roadway/property |
| Ground settling near structure |
| Heavy Rainfall |
| Odors |
| Sewage in creek |
| Sewage in street |
| Sewage in yard |
| Sink hole |
| Street plate shifted |
| Structure Cover Off |
| Structure Issues |
| Structure needs Inspected |
| Structure needs Located |
| Structure needs repair |
| Structure needs to be cleaned |
| Structure needs to be replaced |
| Structure overflowing |
| Structure surcharged |
| Unknown |
WO Storm Structure - Open - Maintenance Contract - By Crew (216)
| Contact GIS |
| Larry Smith Contractors |
| Municipal Contractors |
WO Storm Structure - Open - Maintenance Contract - By Priority (217)
| Other Priority Codes |
| High |
| Medium-1 |
| Medium-2 |
| Medium-3 |
| Low |
| R5 SCREAM 97-100 |
WO Storm Conduit - ALL (218)
WO Storm Conduit - Open (219)
WO Storm Conduit - Open - SD1 - By Problem (221)
| Notify GIS |
| Plumbing Issues |
| Structure overflowing |
| Need Structure |
| Structure needs to be cleaned |
| Structure Issues |
| Structure needs to be replaced |
| Structure needs repair |
| Odors |
| Flooding of roadway/property |
| Sewage in street |
| Erosion |
| <Null> |
| Backup in building |
| Ground settling over line |
| Inspect line |
| Inspect/Locate line |
| Line needs repair |
| Line needs to be cleaned |
| Line needs to be replaced |
| Line needs trenchless repair |
| Locate line |
| Preventative maintenance |
| Sewage in creek |
| Sewage in yard |
| Sink hole |
| Unknown |
WO Storm Conduit - Open - Maintenance Contract - By Crew (222)
| Contact GIS |
| <Null> |
| |
| IPWC |
| Larry Smith Contractors |
| Miller Pipeline |
| Rack &Ballauer Excavating |
| Robinson Pipe Cleaning |
| Smithcorp |
WO Storm Conduit - Open - Maintenance Contract - By Priority (223)
| Other Priority Codes |
| High |
| Medium-1 |
| Medium-2 |
| Medium-3 |
| Low |
| R5 SCREAM 97-100 |
Impervious (370)
| <all other values> |
| Sidewalk |
| Paved road |
| Unpaved road |
| Paved driveway |
| Unpaved driveway |
| Concrete pad / Loading dock |
| Building |
| Paved parking lots |
| Unpaved parking lot |
| General recreation |
| Tennis court |
| Track |
| Bleachers |
| Trails |
| Swimming pool |
| Utilities |
| Storage yard |
| Tanks |
| Under construction |
| Hidden/no feature |
| Not coded |
Sanitary - Common MHs (380)
Sanitary - KPDES Permitted Sites (381)
| |
| City Government |
| County Government |
| Individual |
| Municipal or Water District |
| Privately Owned Facility |
| School District |
| State Government |
Sanitary - Overflow View with Transactions (382)
| CSO, Active |
| Diversion |
| Internal Release Point, Active |
| SSO, Model Active |
| SSO, Model Future |
BRE Sanitary Lines (367)
| Negligible 1 - 3 |
| Low 4 - 6 |
| Medium 8 - 10 |
| High 12 - 15 |
| Extreme 16 - 25 |
Sanitary Structure Ownership (265)
| SD1 Private |
| Pending Approval |
| Florence |
| Private |
| Public - Warranty Period |
| State |
| Walton |
| Under Investigation |
| Transferred to Covington |
Sanitary Line Ownership (148)
| SD1 Private |
| Pending Approval |
| Florence |
| Private |
| Public - Warranty Period |
| State |
| Walton |
| Under Investigation |
| Transferred to Covington |
SanitaryServiceArea (358)
Laterals located by CCTV Inspection (363)
Sanitary TV Observations (364)
SanitaryShed (384)
Storm BMP Assets - MCM5 Actively Inspected (378)
| Discharge to MWW |
| Monitoring Well |
| Sign |
| Permeable Concrete |
| Bioretention Basin |
| Detention Basin |
| Extended Detention Basin |
| Gravity Separator |
| Green Roof |
| Manufactured Device |
| Media Bed Filter |
| Nature Park |
| Permeable Asphalt |
| Permeable Pavers |
| Planter Box |
| Rain Garden |
| Retention Basin |
| Swale |
| Vegetated Swale |
| Filtration Swale |
| Wetland |
Storm BMP Site - MCM5 Actively Inspected (379)
Storm - Illicit Points (374)
Storm - PCI Status (375)
| Revisit |
| PCI Under Investigation |
| PCI Complete |
Storm - Sampled Structures (376)
BRE Storm Lines (368)
| Negligible 1 - 3 |
| Low 4 - 6 |
| Medium 8 - 10 |
| High 12 - 15 |
| Extreme 16 - 25 |
Storm Structure Ownership (267)
| SD1 Private |
| Public - Warranty Period |
| SD1 |
| State |
| Municipal |
| Private |
| Pending Approval |
| Out of Service Area |
| Under Investigation |
| Transferred to Covington |
Storm Line Ownership (179)
| SD1 Private |
| Public - Warranty Period |
| SD1 |
| State |
| Municipal |
| Private |
| Pending Approval |
| Out of Service Area |
| Under Investigation |
| Transferred to Covington |
Storm - Storm SubBasins (377)
Storm Service Boundary (359)
| SD1 |
Impervious (383)
| <all other values> |
| Sidewalk |
| Paved road |
| Unpaved road |
| Paved driveway |
| Unpaved driveway |
| Concrete pad / Loading dock |
| Building |
| Paved parking lots |
| Unpaved parking lot |
| General recreation |
| Tennis court |
| Track |
| Bleachers |
| Trails |
| Swimming pool |
| Utilities |
| Storage yard |
| Tanks |
| Under construction |
| Hidden/no feature |
| Not coded |
Illicit Points (366)
SD1 Project Polygons - By Status (259)
| No Status Assigned |
| In-Progress |
| Not Started |
| Pending |
| Approved |
| SD1 Approved |
Subwatersheds (360)
| Dry Creek |
| Elijahs Creek |
| Garrison Creek |
| Ohio River North |
| Pleasant Run Creek |
| Sand Run |
| Second Creek |
| Woolper Creek |
| Banklick Creek |
| Bowman Creek |
| Cruises Creek |
| DeCoursey Creek |
| Licking River |
| North Fork Grassy Creek |
| Phillips Creek |
| Plum Creek |
| Pond Creek |
| Riffle Creek |
| Scaffold Creek |
| Steep Creek |
| Threemile Creek |
| Big Bone Creek |
| Gunpowder Creek |
| Landing Creek |
| Lick Creek |
| Middle Creek |
| Ohio River West |
| Willoughby Creek |
| Fourmile Creek |
| Ohio River East |
| Tenmile Creek |
| Three Mile |
| Twelvemile Creek |
| Taylor Creek |
Watersheds (361)
| Dry Creek |
| Elijahs Creek |
| Ohio River North |
| Pleasant Run Creek |
| Sand Run |
| Woolper Creek |
| Banklick Creek |
| Licking River |
| Threemile Creek |
| Big Bone Creek |
| Gunpowder Creek |
| Ohio River West |
| Fourmile Creek |
| Ohio River East |
| Twelvemile Creek |
| Taylor Creek |